IO Leak Data Monitor


IO Leak Data Monitor identified +157 million data registries that could generate +26 billion dollars in impact for businesses in 2022.

Currently, leaks of personal and corporate data in companies happen mainly because of intentional or non-intentional errors of collaborators, suppliers, and ex-collaborators, as well as malicious actions made by cyber criminals.

The main motives that cause a company to suffer a data leak are human errors, failures in processes and technologies, and knowing that all technologies can have vulnerabilities, some simpler to be explored and others more complex and difficult to explore. Many of those vulnerabilities are identified daily by cybercriminals that can explore them, causing a leak of personal and corporate data, and impacting financially and legally the companies and consequently the society.

+157 million registries identified publicly online (Personal data, sensitive and confidential information)

+26 billion Dollars with a total average cost of the data leak of these registries ($164 per registry) +3 billion requests analysed in the last 5 months

90% were identified through weaknesses in technological integrations between the company and their supplier

100% were unaware of this risk!

IO Leak is a solution developed in partnership with Google Cloud, that has the capacity to detect, analyze and monitor, through artificial intelligence and automation, personal and corporate data leaks under the responsibility of a company. With the help of B10SEC experts in cybersecurity and data protection, the risks of the business are identified in a more precise way answering to the incident in a more effective way.

Beyond that, IO Leak also supports companies comply with the laws and regulations of data protection, monitors improper data divulgation through collaborators, and ex-collaborators monitor improper data divulgation of suppliers’ data and also analyzes data leaks in the most complex layers of the internet.

With this partnership of B10SEC with google cloud, we maximized our results using essential tools like cloud computing, storage, databases, technologies of data analysis, AI and security controls for the collected and treated data.

With more than 157 million registries identified by IO Leak in 2022, with personal data, sensitive or confidential information that was exposed publicly online, according to the report “IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022” the loss estimated would be more than 26 billions of dollars, with an average cost of 164 dollars per registry, if those that were leaked.

The weaknesses in the technology integration between the company itself and its suppliers were responsible for 90% of the registries identified, demonstrating the existing risk in the supply chain that generates an impact on the company’s business, responsible for the treatment of that data.

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