Your company depends on suppliers, with a direct impact on your organization. Each partner corresponds to a link in the chain of security and how do you know which is the weakest link?
Aware of this challenge, we created a product focused on reducing the risk to your Organization's business, through analysis of suppliers, following the steps below.
We identify and map the critical processes that impact your Organization's business.
Based on this, we map the suppliers related to these processes and we analyze the cyber risks of non-compliance that can impact your company's business through your suppliers.
Based on the analysis carried out in phase 1, suppliers are divided by their criticality, defining a priority for analyzes and depth of audits to be carried out.
We carry out analyzes of suppliers, divided into categories and based on best practices, frameworks, laws and data protection regulations.
“The MORE critical the supplier to the business, the DEEPER the analysis must be”
After the Cyber & Privacy Supply Chain 360º assessment, we carry out:
A monitoring process is implemented, as well as an internal monitoring committee that will monitor:
We revisit the process periodically to implement continuous improvements.
At each cycle, we will be presented with a view of the risks and management indicators within the general planning established.
UK, Cheltenham
+351 215 909 408
Portugal , Sintra
+351 215 909 408
Brazil, Sao Paulo
(11) 3164-0535
México, Ciudad De México
+52 55 58789505